Montag, 14. Mai 2007

Vincent Chin

Did you know that Vincent Chin was murderered because of his nationality. He was killed in June 19th, 1982 with a baseball bat; by an autoworker this stepson. They thought that Vincent was a Japanes blamed for America's sagging auto industry.
The murderers got 3 years probation, no jail and 3700 dollars fine.
Asian Americans were infuriated, they started rallies and demonstrations
=> Asian American Movement
(This is an issue that unites all Asian Americans.)


Did you know that the Filipinos came to the US because of poverty. Most went to California to work, but there are no real Filipinotowns, however there were citys with high concentrations of Filipinos like Daly City, as well as San Francisco. The first Filipinos came in the mid of 1700s fugitives from Spanish ships, they came to Lousiana.
The first immigrantes came from 1924 to 1934:
-40.000 Filipinos came to the US as US nationals
The second wave came from 1940 to 1960:
- 80.000 Filipinos
The third wave came from 1965:
- male and female professionals who usually work in lower jobs


Did you know that the Koreans first moved to Hawaii and later to the US mainland, especially L.A. and New York. They went to America because of the Japanese colonialism. They didn't have a country and thus they couldn't return. But also there were hopes for good work, peace and democracy. 1930 the fist immigrants arrived in the US. In 1908 the Korean immigration stopped because they had the Japanese nationality and Japanese were excluded. In 1965 the immigration were resumed.


Did you know that many Chinese Americans came to the US in the 1850s. They moved to the US during the Gold Rush, because the life in China were politically and economically unstable and internal rebellions made matters even worse. Many Chinese search for gold in America in order to bring it home. First they were accepted in America and their future seemed auspicious. Then in many country the political climate changed and the Chinese were excluded. Most of them work in mines, in the opinion of white miners the Chinese were too much of a competition for them. A number of Anti-Chinese laws were passed between 1852 and 1862.


Did you know that Japanes Americans mostly came to Hawaii and America's Pacific coast as their destinations between 1891 and 1900. The first immigrants came as student-laborers in order to learn English and take some knowledge back to Japan. After 1900 a secondary immigration came from Hawaii to the United States. They hoped for a better life and many students came to study. A lot of them came to America because they search work.