Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007

Interesting points about the JAI videos

  • The J.A. were made to go to strip and were sprayed with some kind of chemical powder like DDT
  • Many of the Japanese Americans thought that they would be shot in the camps
  • Children in the camps were even allowed to have education
  • Even all the JA were shocked as they heard of the bombattack of pearl habour
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation didn't only arrest many JA, they also took their belongings away

17 things I learned about Asian Americans

  • the Korean Americans invented the nectarine
  • the Chinese Americans invented the fortune cake
  • the Filipino Americans invented the yo-yo
  • JA were brought into internment camps
  • JA internment was not justified
  • there were a loyality questionnaire, which tested the loyality of the JA in the camps
  • over 24 laws were passed in the US which discriminate the AA
  • there are 2 kinds of racism: everyday racism and institutionalized racism
  • there are the L.A. race riots because of institutionalized racism
  • 24 peole died during the L.A. race riots
  • most of the AA came to the west coast and Hawaii
  • mostly they left their homes because of poverty
  • there were the 442 Regimental Combat Team and the 100th Infantry Batallion of JA, they were the most highly decorated units in the U.S. army
  • they celebrate the Day of Remembrance, it is a commemoration of a dark chapter in American history
  • there are J adages for examle: shikatta ga nai; ganbatte; kodomo no tame ni (it can't be helped; hold on; for the sake of the children)
  • CA are the biggest Asian group (3.4 million)
  • CA constribute the Transcontinental Railroad
  • JA had different names for their generations: Issei (1st generation); Nisei (2nd generation); Sansei (3rd generation) and Nikei (4th generation)

Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Homework: Wantedposter


Who: Joseph M.
Age: 25 years
Look: brown hairs, blue eyes
For: triple- murder and hate crime!


Virgina Tech Massacre

Newspaper article:

The whole world were shocked when they heard something about the Virginia Tech Massacre. Cho Seung-Hui, the Gunman, killed 33 people. He was grown up in Asia and moved with his parents to America. He was 1.5 generation, people who aren't 2nd generation but don't feel like 1st generation immigrants either. The reactions of the 2nd generations Koreans were different but all thought that they had to defend their culture but also accepting the American culture as well. They would all stick together but never accept such things.

This is a great problem not only in America but also in the whole world.

Interview with an Asian American

I: Hello.
A: Hello.
I: Why did you move to America?
A: I hope for a better life and a good payed job.
I: Did you found a job?
A: No, I didn't.
I: Why didn't you found a job?
A: All the shop owners said that I wasn't good enough. But my reference was better than the others.
I: Where did you live?
A: I live in a high - rise building. But it isn't very clean.
I: What are your wishes for the future?
A: I would have a good payed job and a nice appartment.
I: Thank you very much.

Japanese Internment

Diary entry

Today the American Soldiers came and took us to a place we didn't know. The Americans promised to bring us into a resettelment camp.

But in reality the camp is like a prison. There are fences with barbed wire and guarded by the military police.

My whole family and I live in one room without furniture.

The camp is located in the desert, so we are very isolated. We hope tomorrow will be better.


Homework: Poem

Why racism?
Why this tribulation?
What happened to us?
We lost everything,
We had before.
We were poor.
But we are full of hope!